06 June 2010

when i say good bye

...i really mean it.



i'm gonna write on my new blog.

01 May 2010

the maktab's press

Blazon press.aritu mereka menginterviu ak.dan agak x sgka lak ley msuk lam list: CONGRATULATION! u’re selected for the 2nd stage.[even mereka mengeja nama ak dgn SALAH]

Dan ak masih mengamalkan fatwa yg mulia:jangan tipu.

-ye.saye mmg minat photography

-ahah.uncle saye pon photographer.

-yup.saye penah gune dslr.

-ermm..ye,saye tau siket2 pasal lomo.

-alamak,lupe la kene guna ISO brape.sbb da lame saye x pegang camera=P

-depends.saye buat2 layan ‘abang2’senior itu.atas urusan kerja la..[dan ak dpt rasekan akak tu cam skeptic ngan jwpn ak kali ni]

Well,itu la satu-SATUnya interviu yg plg rileks penah ak rasa.truly!ak xrasa cam diinterviu pom.dah la ak tibai memain je.ak org last dan telah di interviu oleh SEMUA ahli blazon press.

Dan lepas tu, ak kena buli:”shoot pic kitoram yg terrrbaek ea,kalu x cun,kene la awak!”

pastu ak xtau la either my work is good,better or best.or "really amatur la adekk!!"tp akak tu kate"cantek la!ok la tuu.."ye, saye tau akak cuma nak amik ati saye..isk!T___T

hari pekerja=cuti!

OKAY.1st of all,HAPPY LABOUR DAY.for those who’s kerja only lah.termasuk ak..kerja skolah.T___T

Boman?boman pngusaha anggur..x termasuk ea.

Ayom?ok2 masuk la list ugop.u’ll go for work soon,rite?

Da 2 bln something ak berada d mrsm BITARA pengkalan chepa. Dan baruku sedar diri[selama ni x sdrkan diri coz culture shock] bahawa ak suda menjadi pelajar yg berstatus BITARA.and it’s mean..

  • · Ak kena merelakan sepasang kaki-bebas-kurap ku diselaputi kain nipis yg dipanggil stoking setiap masa—x kira time nak refill air ke,p kelas ke, skodeng mamat nsem kat tepi pgr aspura ke..everytime I step out of da hostel block la senang citer.
  • · I ought to show my respect,extremely, to the seniors.or not, a d**n roll-call would be held at 2300 or midnite.
  • · Stop daydreamin’ la!kids here have really high intelligence.u can barely able to beat the tops,but try to get ur name on 4flat list too.~aminn~*fingercrossin’*
  • · I was once a notorious student,but when I came here,I must turn over a new leaf[or maybe it’s better to say,OVERTURN THE LEAF]àI forced myself to be a goody2 nerd one.=(
  • · …and bla bla bla of do’s and don’t’s.

Tapi ape yg best adalah…

  • · Boys here are really well educated.they’re smart,and rajin too![and it’s a “coolll..” to have some of em wit charmin face=P]so don’t worry if u left da tasks to boys,coz they’ll do it,by hook or by crook![heh,kalu kat jeli,lambat ag!]
  • · Kat cni ad iMac,i.e. pc yang plg sophisticated penah ak guna!
  • · Duk kat cni ley outin kat kb.hehe~heaven!
  • · Ma pom leh wat kunjungan terhormat sopmo.i.e. once every 2 weeks!
  • · …and bla bla bla too.[malas nok nulih panjey2]
duh,bru ak prasan,AK MEREPEK NTAH PAPE lagi!ah,post je lahh..

30 April 2010

ronda2 kb

minggu lepas boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai minggu sial ak.
too many unpleasant situations happened,for 5 days in a row.
and the whole week is such a-->bizarre.

ahad:i collapsed as i step on the wet floor,in front of my cube.things became worse when i realised,almost ALL my dormmates gatherin in front me,watchin me fell--which was i felt really silly..T____T
isnin&selasa:besides of gettin the unexpected marks on all my test papers, on selasa i got scolded by my phys edu teacher,for losin 1 of the hockey ball,which is obviously NOT my fault.and for sure, i ought to search for it.
rabu:i noticed that my name was not in the list of the lawatan,and i got low marks in Phy,and i spilled milo ais on my trousers+sport shoes and..and..
khamis:okay.i spilled the drinks,again.and i scolded again.dear teacher,i just askin a simple quest,and i expectin an answer from u, in a kind way.

tapi sblum 2,kite pusing kb jap.hee~
pakcik:dey macha,kasi klapa kaler
ijau laa..saya tarak mau kaler orenn..

19 March 2010

kasyah's 5th bday

aku jd badut..haha

ambo anok klate

“jeng, nanti ko balik naek flight kul brape?”seorang bdk s’gor btanya pd suatu ari.

Dio tnyo aku ko?balik?naek flight?

"kah3..gapo mg ni...demey namo rima plop jeng 2 nk balik nga flight?rumoh dio kat kapong ak jahh.bau budu bena..“

Hamboii..sedak des oyat ak bau budu.’bau budu’ is a mean sentence,freak.nawop sgt la kalu oyat ak nih bau budu coz ak xrajim pom make budu or even pegey botol budu skalipom!

"oih jeng,siyes ni?ko asal klantan?“

Ceh,bdk ni... x napok ko rupo cik siti wan kembang kt muko ak neyy?“duhh..betoi la..pe hal lak ak nak klepet ko..“

„ayohh jeng, betol la..ko mmg xde rupe cam org klantan..ah,ak x caye!“

Sejak itu, ak dikenali sbg 'JENG: bdk klantan yg xde rupe klantan’. bukey stakat ore lua,bdk klate sdiri pom x expect ak asal klate.

Bakpo ey?ak sero muko ak napok supo bdk kapong jah.high-end sgt ko rupo ak ney??ahaks~

"so,camne nk bg ade rupe klantan kt muke ak nih?“

"ko xyah la wat hairdo camtu...ko wat yg biase2 jer..."seorang bdk dr utara kasi suggestion.

“ape kes lak ak kene tukar hairdo ak ney??nape?stylo sgt ke?”
Ceh,metey2 la ak ni bdk klate jah…xley la wat rambuk stail gni?eyy..suko ati ak la, rambuk ak.bukey stylo sgt pom.biaso2 jah ni..elehh..kalu deki oyak la mugo rambuk dio 2 x comei pom!supo moktey!haha~[jahat nok mapuh ak ni..;-p]

Tp hok palim x tehey time kecek nga bdk klate hok xbrapo fluent kecek lua.nok gulim sero.abih tey belit lidoh control cakap lua ngan saye.kah3~adoii la, sero supo nok oyat jah,”awopp…sayo pong ore klate ugop.so,xyoh la sekso diri kecek lua nga sayo..”tp xsapa ati plop.tkut dio malu..huhu

12 February 2010

like Maa like me..

ari ni ak nk bebel byk ikit.
sbb bnda ni xckup dgambarkn nga gmbr smate2.

zazie ank maa..
so xpelik ah kalu zazie samo jas nga ma.
zazie nakal.olohh..supo ma laa..time mudo2 dlu
kito supo maa..sbb zazie ank ma.

aritu ak g ganu.
ak suko pantai.
so ak g pata sore2.
x oyt ko tuan umh.
doh la mso 2 time mgrib.
tuan umh abes deba cri ak.
tkut kno cilok laa...
dlu ma pom gtu.
masuk hute x oyat kokre..
wat ore rusim jass
kito supo maa..sbb zazie ank ma.

ak suko make eskrem.
saem2 ak suma tau.
kalu ak g koop gap mesti g bli eskrem pnya.
ma dulu pom gtu gop.
1 skolah tau ma tu hantu eskrem.
kito supo maa..sbb zazie ank ma.

taun lps.
ak n da gang wat lolok ile.
gegey 1 mktb kununnye sep ak ile.
ma dlu pom gtu gop.
g outing skali nga saem2.
tp tyme ore len blik mktb ma xblik ag.
1mktb havoc.
"farid hilang..farid hilangg!!"
kito supo maa..sbb zazie ank ma.

byk ag bena per-serupo-an.
tp kalu nok oyat so-so...
tobat x abih.
smpai d sini saja.
kita btemu lg.
len kali.
kito supo maa..sbb zazie ank ma.

10 February 2010

visit therengghanu 070210

fresh ag neyy... xdey nok edit pom
paka uplod jass..

d atas bas...on d way nk balik klate!

nga mok ana..mrs jasni.baekk gila!mekasey mkck..sbb mkck bg sy mkn 10x sari..
pah2 sponser tiket balik ag..tanks-92727x

d rumah ana..mak die fanatik animal print maaa...i adore her house.cun!

umah tok ana...dkt jas nga pata sura/uitm dungun/sms dungun/imtiaz

lawatan smbil blaja...paka

abah ana blanjo teh tarik..tp ak balun miloo...hehe

09 February 2010

kugilak kugiran!!!

::ika...partner koya reti men gitar..hehe::

::kau aku..harmless flirt..upps!hehe;-P::

05 February 2010

kika kaki kaku

kika 2010.
acara last b4 brambus dr mktb.

ore len wat nota,ak peroh otok ngora notebook.

-ika dann......[dale bku nota ika.farewell gift la kunun]

-i dont call it b.l.a.n.k.[mine]-

03 February 2010

semua tentang...kita?

malam titipan.
tema:semua tentang kita.
heh.apa skema pnya tema daa..
anyway,best la ugop.
coz ak kenye gilo male tu.
abes seksaan keno ngepek ko ckgu2!

18 January 2010

satu dekad dan enam tahun

kalu ore puteh,masuk jas umo 16 parents wi keto..
ma pom ad gop tnyo..
"zazie nok keto ugop ko?keto kontrol..haaha!"
kalu betol buley ak meme nok laa..

byk gop la befday wish ak dpt itu hari.
boman n da gang sang 'hepi bday 2 uuu!!'
tru da phone.
supo skalo..'moga pjg umoo..'
'moga murah rezki..'
ayat klise.tp tanx a lot aa..
'moga mg bley g bitara'
tp ak hilite wish yg di sent by jere.
(spt yg tertera d atas)
my 'best fren'.kakaka!!!

08 January 2010

karya terlarang

karya terlarang.coz guna boman as subjek.
tanpa kebenaran.

04 January 2010


last post b4 bek-tu-mktb

sori la, bru ngepeng.bhg pengiklanan lewat.hehe~

kash ngoya dpe webcam!

dont do drugs

kucim ade corak love

03 January 2010

berpayum di kala ujan

tanx to payum polka dot ayom

less bebel,more pics!

"my silly poyo life,in photos"
-->tagline baru tuu..

ak raso xsey doh naip panje2 neh.
wat letih jas.bukey ad ore bco pom..haha
well,ad la ugop,sore duo.

nati ak nok post edited pics bnyk2,
gati teks panje lebar

[b4 final touch up]
pose x poyo + camera = photos.

02 January 2010

2010,sayonara mjsc jeli?

heya dua.ribu.spuloh!
azam?be b.e.t.t.e.r.--ayat basi!
pas tubik resat pmr itu ari,chance tuk ak say "gudbye mrsm jeli!"=50%.
wa...ni wat ak deba nehh!maa..xsey doh duk jeli..hehe.ces..xkenang budi sgguh.
bukey apo,pas puah wat kes kat mktb tu, nop pulop raso wat kes kat mktb len.
n ak pom sure cetgu2 kat mktb jeli tu da borim laye attitude ak..ToT
yah..yah..wateva."bo la duk situ zazie..g gap pc pulop.seney ma nk atar.."
see?my mumma pon xrestu ak stay ctu.haha.."ho la..pat jin tendey..kah3"
+ ayom.tcher norbani pom suh ak pindoh gop.meme r..ak hopin ley g tgb ko..
buley gop raso study kat luar klate.nt bley prektis cakap luai.haahaha~
God,mitop2 la leh g bitara..bru leh xcellent.hehe~ni dop,duk jeli,xkembe lasum!
heh.sori la,kade2 kito keno petimkan future kito sdiri dr prasaan ore len.
fuyo,palsapah maut gtu!

last.but.not.least:1.wa!!ak rindhu paka unipom koloh gomen!cun maa..T_'
2.waa..xdey nok tgk AJL