01 May 2010

the maktab's press

Blazon press.aritu mereka menginterviu ak.dan agak x sgka lak ley msuk lam list: CONGRATULATION! u’re selected for the 2nd stage.[even mereka mengeja nama ak dgn SALAH]

Dan ak masih mengamalkan fatwa yg mulia:jangan tipu.

-ye.saye mmg minat photography

-ahah.uncle saye pon photographer.

-yup.saye penah gune dslr.

-ermm..ye,saye tau siket2 pasal lomo.

-alamak,lupe la kene guna ISO brape.sbb da lame saye x pegang camera=P

-depends.saye buat2 layan ‘abang2’senior itu.atas urusan kerja la..[dan ak dpt rasekan akak tu cam skeptic ngan jwpn ak kali ni]

Well,itu la satu-SATUnya interviu yg plg rileks penah ak rasa.truly!ak xrasa cam diinterviu pom.dah la ak tibai memain je.ak org last dan telah di interviu oleh SEMUA ahli blazon press.

Dan lepas tu, ak kena buli:”shoot pic kitoram yg terrrbaek ea,kalu x cun,kene la awak!”

pastu ak xtau la either my work is good,better or best.or "really amatur la adekk!!"tp akak tu kate"cantek la!ok la tuu.."ye, saye tau akak cuma nak amik ati saye..isk!T___T

hari pekerja=cuti!

OKAY.1st of all,HAPPY LABOUR DAY.for those who’s kerja only lah.termasuk ak..kerja skolah.T___T

Boman?boman pngusaha anggur..x termasuk ea.

Ayom?ok2 masuk la list ugop.u’ll go for work soon,rite?

Da 2 bln something ak berada d mrsm BITARA pengkalan chepa. Dan baruku sedar diri[selama ni x sdrkan diri coz culture shock] bahawa ak suda menjadi pelajar yg berstatus BITARA.and it’s mean..

  • · Ak kena merelakan sepasang kaki-bebas-kurap ku diselaputi kain nipis yg dipanggil stoking setiap masa—x kira time nak refill air ke,p kelas ke, skodeng mamat nsem kat tepi pgr aspura ke..everytime I step out of da hostel block la senang citer.
  • · I ought to show my respect,extremely, to the seniors.or not, a d**n roll-call would be held at 2300 or midnite.
  • · Stop daydreamin’ la!kids here have really high intelligence.u can barely able to beat the tops,but try to get ur name on 4flat list too.~aminn~*fingercrossin’*
  • · I was once a notorious student,but when I came here,I must turn over a new leaf[or maybe it’s better to say,OVERTURN THE LEAF]àI forced myself to be a goody2 nerd one.=(
  • · …and bla bla bla of do’s and don’t’s.

Tapi ape yg best adalah…

  • · Boys here are really well educated.they’re smart,and rajin too![and it’s a “coolll..” to have some of em wit charmin face=P]so don’t worry if u left da tasks to boys,coz they’ll do it,by hook or by crook![heh,kalu kat jeli,lambat ag!]
  • · Kat cni ad iMac,i.e. pc yang plg sophisticated penah ak guna!
  • · Duk kat cni ley outin kat kb.hehe~heaven!
  • · Ma pom leh wat kunjungan terhormat sopmo.i.e. once every 2 weeks!
  • · …and bla bla bla too.[malas nok nulih panjey2]
duh,bru ak prasan,AK MEREPEK NTAH PAPE lagi!ah,post je lahh..